Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Some Review from user, Ti 84 Plus Graphing Calculator

“Much better than the TI-83 ... Great device, comes with lots of programs the TI-83 doesn't ... but now that I'm using it I would have rather forked out a few more dollars to get more computing power the TI-89 offers. For example ... The TI-84 can't compute factorials above 90 or so... Hope this helps...”


“Calculator is much bigger than expected. It is large compared to other similar calculators. The batteries ran out after only one month of use. The keyboard layout is not logical and it is difficult to find the keys required for non routine calculations.

I ordered Ti 84 Plus Graphing Calculator because it was required for my son's Algebra class. If I had a choice I would have purchased another brand or model calculator.”


“I bought this for my daughter (high school student). It was exactly as described. Ti-84 Plus Graphing Calculator great service.”

Clair D. Strutt

“It is an excellent product. I have heard it of from my instructor. At Amazon.Com, the price is more cheap compared to other sales' stores and markets. It arrived at my address within the promised days. The condition of this product is excellent. I have been using it for Calculas and Math class in university. The manual of this calculator is very useful. I can find anything I want.”

Tuerxun Duolikun