Advanced Algebra with the TI-84 Plus Calculator
By Brendan KellyAbout the Author
Brendan Kelly is Professor Emeritus at the Faculty of Education, University of Toronto (OISE/UT). He holds two doctorate degrees: a Ph.D. in Mathematics (Number Theory) from U. of T. and an Ed.D. in Computer Applications from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. In his capacity as senior author for the Pearson Education Publishing Company, Dr. Kelly has authored the MathQuest Mathematics Program (for elementary students) and the Addison-Wesley Secondary School Mathematics Program (for students in grades 9-12).Both programs have been the standard in schools during the past two decades. Dr. Kelly has authored more than sixty books. Professor Kelly has spoken at more than 100 conferences and has been the keynote speaker at various conferences across Canada and the United States. He was the closing speaker at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference in Chicago at which there were over 20,000 in attendance. In 1989, Dr. Kelly founded Brendan Kelly Publishing Inc. that now offers more than 20 titles including secondary school mathematics books that help teachers use Texas Instrument Graphing Calculators to teach mathematics. These books are sold widely throughout the United States and Canada and have been translated into Japanese for sale in their schools.
Product Description
Algebra is much easier to teach when your students can work through the self-directed lessons in this book. Students can explore mathematical concepts on the TI-84 Plus while you walk around the room and facilitate their learning. Keying sequences guide them through the labyrinth of menus on the TI-84 Plus without the need to page through the calculator manual. Detailed solutions at the back of the book help students over obstacles to their learning and the calculator functions are absorbed with minimal effort as the mathematics is learned. Some programs are included to showcase the power of iteration in solving some otherwise intractable problems. Historical vignettes are included to add a human dimension to the mathematical excursions. The topics include sequences & series, finding roots of polynomial equations, the fundamental theorem of algebra, complex numbers, fractals and mathematics of chaos, combinatorics, probability, linear systems, matrices, linear programming and various applications such as the mathematics of investment. A new section on Phi and the Golden Ratio has been added for current interest stimulated by The DaVinci Code. For those with the TI-84 Plus Silver Edition, this book includes references to the probability simulations involving coin and dice tossing experiments found on the Applications menu.
Editorial Reviews
Review of the earlier publication titled Advanced Algebra with the TI-83 This book is a collection of seventeen explorations in precalculus mathematics. Each exploration includes a brief exposition, some worked examples, and about ten student exercises. The explorations fall into five different units: sequences and series; number theory, including some theory of equations; complex numbers; combinatorics and probability; and matrices, linear systems, and linear programming. Since this book covers only part of a typical advanced algebra or precalculus syllabus, it is perhaps most useful as a teacher resource or a source of enrichment for students capable of independent work in mathematics. As such, the book has much to recommend it. Some of the more interesting problems involve using Stirling's formula for approximation of factorials, Verhulst's logistic equation, and Mendel's experiments. The author has included some short programs, with no more than about fifteen lines, that teachers and students might find useful. Such programs, for example, will enable the user to solve a linear Diophantine equation, find the sum of a sequence too long for the TI-83 memory, or spend several hours drawing the Julia set on the calculator screen. --Albert Goetz, Ramaz School, New York, NY 10021.The Mathematics Teacher, Vol 92, #3, March 1999
More Advanced Algebra with the TI-84 Plus Calculator